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Tuesday, October 11, 2016

networkworld/IoT security guidance emerges

IoT security guidance emerges

IoT security guidance emerges
More than a year ago, an eye-opening RAND study on cybersecurity comprehensively explored just how vulnerable the Internet of Things (IoT) is and was going to be.Afterthought-style patch-on-patch security, as well as significant vulnerability risks involved with slapping internet connectivity on previously non-connected objects, were among the startling findings and predictions in that report.Since then, questions have arisen as to just how one should approach the security needs of the soon-to-be billions of networked, smart, cheap sensors expanding around the globe like popcorn.

Report confirms IoT botnet took down Krebs' security site

Report confirms IoT botnet took down Krebs' security site
The majority of the estimated 145,000 devices were security cameras and DVRs used in home or office settings.Many of these were using either default passwords or easily-guessed ones ("1234," "password," "admin").Around half of the traffic came from the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region, indicating where the compromised devices were located.

​Cloud Security Alliance lays out security guidelines for IoT development

​Cloud Security Alliance lays out security guidelines for IoT development
The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) Internet of Things (IoT) working group has published a report to guide designers and developers on basic security measures it believes must be incorporated throughout the development process.The report, Future-proofing the Connected World: 13 Steps to Developing Secure IoT Products, says that because IoT is broad-ranging and developing at great pace, identifying controls that can be applied against IoT products is difficult, noting its main reason for compiling the report is to give designers and developers a starting point to work from.According to Brian Russell, chair of the CSA IoT Working Group, an IoT system is only as secure as its weakest link.

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