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Sunday, January 22, 2017

Malaysian automotive industry

collected by :John Max

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according to

Malaysian automotive industry

Malaysian automotive industry
- PETALING JAYA: Finally, there is a clear trend that the National Automotive Policy 2014 has gained traction on car exports with the support of some visionary brand owners, including Mazda and Volvo."More are to come," said Datuk Madani Sahari, CEO of Malaysia Automotive Institute (MAI), at a press conference on Friday.While the export volume at 27,000 units last year is a fraction of Thailand's – about one million units a year – it is still a big jump from before when exports were more cosmetic than significant.
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3-D scans for the automotive industry

3-D scans for the automotive industry
- A section of an automotive production line and a simulated model as a 3-D cloud of dots.The places where collisions would occur after a change of model are highlighted in red.Credit: Andreas Nüchter How does an automotive assembly line have to be retrofitted for a change of model?
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Turkish automotive industry leading Turkish exports for 11 years in row

Turkish automotive industry leading Turkish exports for 11 years in row
- The Turkish overall auto sales market, including light trucks, hit a new record with nearly 1 million in auto sales in 2016, according to the latest release by the Automotive Manufacturers Association (OSD).The country's automotive sector was the biggest exporter last year with around $23.9 billion in exports, up from $21.3 billion in 2015, securing a 17 percent share in the total volume of exports, which has placed the automotive industry as the leader of Turkish exports for the 11th year in a row.The OSD said the overall auto sales market increased by 1.6 percent to reach 983,720 last year compared to 2015, marking the highest level of all times.
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