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Saturday, February 24, 2018

These 14 companies dominate the world's auto industry

Around the world, there are even further brands selling everything from little economy cars to mn-$ exotics for the world's plutocracy. however the industry is highly consolidated - a handful of great corporations own almostall of the world's great vehicle brands. 14 vehicle companies control a combined 62 brands (Skye Gould/Business Insider)This graphic doesn't involve every vehicle Inc. & every brand. Instead, it's meant to be a visual representation of the amount of impact & market strengthheld with a handful of sopowerful companies. Follow Business Insider Britain on Twitter.

VAT promote won't help native auto industry - industry body

Cape Town - The promote in VAT reported in Budget 2018 going to likely negatively influence domestic car discounts & would not help promote car produce in South Africa, according to the National Association of Automotive Component & Allied industrialists (NAACAM). The industry body is too cautious about the influence of the Suggested carbon tax bill, that Finance Minister Malusi Gigaba indicated can be implemented from January one 2019. In NAACAM's view, it would have been ideal if allocations for greater industrialisation incentives had been reported in the budget. NAACAM too said it was looking forward to the finalisation this year of the SA Automotive Masterplan to strengthen native produce. Visit our Budget 2018 Special for all the break news, views & test.

VAT increase will not help local auto industry - industry body

status research: the method Tesla changed the auto industry

as informed in however Tesla is forcing the auto industry to rapidly change. Brian Loh, a partner at McKinsey&Inc.;, said innovation is at an "all-time high" in the auto industry right This time, that is significant because historically, the auto industry is soslow to evolve. The auto industry isn't resistant to innovation & change, however does tend to adapt slowly. Tesla is 1 of the key drivers of innovation as the auto industry is forced to evolve, however Tesla too shows the method difficult it is to succeed in the auto industry at all, & the method there is continue room for improvement within the hotly competitive, tight margin business. Loh told Supply Chain Dive that in general, the auto industry doesn't single source, & described the Rate auto supply chain as being far further Effective & effective than Tesla's.

Tax increases likely to shrink market, tells auto industry bodies

"Naamsa is generality disappointed at the disproportionate negative influence of several tax suggestions on the automotive industry," comments Kirby. "The car tax increases are detrimental to the aftertime development of the industry. Naamsa has for many years demanded authorities to description the taxation regime applicable to Fresh motor cars in South Africa. "In the absence of clean fuels, based on international specifications, the automotive industry objects to more tax increases. "VAT has increased after many years in South Africa, & its influence going to be felt with consumers.

Tax increases likely to shrink market, says auto industry bodies

Atlanta developing as auto industry hub

Panasonic Automotive Systems' innovation center on the Georgia technology campus focuses on connected cars & car software Growth. Panasonic Automotive Systems' innovation center on the Georgia technology campus focuses on connected cars & car software Growth. however Atlanta too is rapidly developing as an auto industry hub for engineering & software Growth — something PSA going to necessity as it unfurls a diverse mobility & ride-sharing U.S. business model over the following few years. Georgia's strategy has capitalized largely on Georgia technology, the Atlanta university by 29,000 students. Honeywell final year invested $19 mn in an Atlanta innovation center in that further than 800 people focus on Fresh approaches to cloud computing & information analytics.

collected by :Catlin Logan

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