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Tuesday, March 27, 2018

No upside in Brexit for English vehicle industry - MPs

LONDON (Reuters) - UK have to maintain toll free trade & Eu regulatory alignment for the automotive industry as Brexit offers no upside for the sector, a committee of MPs said. REUTERS/Darren StaplesAs 1 of UK's few manufacturing success stories ever ever the 1980s, the vehicle industry employs further than 800,000 people & generates turnover of 77.five bn pounds. "There is no credible argument to propose there are pros to be gained from Brexit for the UK vehicle industry," the chairwoman of UK's business committee Rachel Reeves, an opposition Labour lawmaker, said on Thursday. Ministers have pledged to align English regulations by EU ones in some areas, like the automotive sector, & maintain toll free & unfettered trade by the industry's biggest Exportation market. MPs too concluded that UK ought maintain existing certification arrangements, by that cars confirmed in UK could be used on the continent & vice versa.

Britain vehicle industry have to be at the heart of Brexit negotiations, tell MPs

Investment & thousands of jobs can be Stray in booming automotive sector, committee warnsUK vehicle industry have to be at the heart of Brexit negotiations, tell MPsThe Britain Gov. have to put the vehicle industry at the heart of Brexit negotiations or danger the loss of thousands of jobs & hundreds of millions of pounds of investment, MPs have warned. In a gloomy assessment of prospects for Britain vehicle manufacturing, the business, energy & industrial strategy (BEIS) choose committee said Brexit was negative for the sector, by "damage limitation" a better possible outcome. "There is no credible argument to propose there are pros to be gained from Brexit for the Britain vehicle industry. Regulatory consistency & friction-toll free trade advantages vehicle companies, consumers & vehicle workers. Britain vehicle manufacturing took a knock final year as doubt over Brexit & the wider economy made consumers reluctant to commit to great spending decisions.

UK car industry must be at the heart of Brexit negotiations, say MPs

Brexit: No bargain for Britain vehicle industry puts hundreds of thousands of jobs at danger, MPs warn

as mentioned in Hundreds of thousands of English vehicle industry jobs can be put at danger after Brexit unless the UK reaches a bargain by the European Union on the sector, MPs have warned. UK ought still to follow European Union vehicle industry rules after leaving the bloc, the Business choose Committee said. It said it can find no benefit to the country's automotive sector from regulatory divergence from the European Union, just costs. This presents barriers to the UK attempting to roll over existing European Union trade deals by other nations while the country leaves the bloc. Unite helper general secretary Tony Burke said: "The vehicle industry would be hugely influenced by a difficulty Brexit, however there ought not be a specific bargain just for this sector.

collected by :Catlin Logan

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