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Saturday, March 10, 2018

Ramsey tells TPP going to injury automotive industry

referring to CTV WindsorNDP International Trade Critic Tracey Ramsey is calling the federal Gov.'s signing of the TransPacific copartnership a betrayal of Canadian workers. She said the Liberal Gov. launched the text of the TPP just 2 weeks ago & upon signing the bargain, 27 extra side letters (binding & non-binding) were launched. "The Liberals have signed an licence which was negotiated behind closed doors, despite overwhelming public opposition, & which Specialists believe going to be harmful to our automotive, manufacturing & supply-managed sectors," Ramsey said. "I am highly critical of this signing considering the turbulent position Canada currently find itself in by our largest trading partner, the U.S.."Ramsey said the side letters in this bargain, remember largely unenforceable & which the bargain contains the same crises as the old TPP. It is imperative which all parties come to the negotiating table in perfect faith."

Algeria shifts automotive industry focus to vehicle portions manufacturing

Yousfi slammed vehicle assembly lines with foreign industrialists as a "deception" & "disguised vehicle imports." The Ministry of Industry plans to limit the vehicle assembly business to a few foreign industrialists to lower importation bills & stimulate development of the automotive components industry. "Our objective isn't the automotive assembly activity, even if it is a needful phase from that to begain. At least 40 foreign vehicle & other vehicle industrialists have demanded permits to join great vehicle industrialists Renault, Peugeot & Volkswagen to unlock assembly plants in Algeria, the Industry Ministry said. "This is the value we must pay to launch a true & competitive automotive industry.

Algeria shifts automotive industry focus to car parts manufacturing

difficulty Brexit threatens jobs & investment in Britain automotive industry

according to UK's automotive sector dangers losing thousands of jobs & hundreds of millions of pounds of inward investment if Gov. proceeds by a difficulty Brexit. Titled The influence of Brexit on the Automotive Sector, the report recommends which Gov. 'places a high premium' in its Brexit negotiations on securing frictionless trade for UK's volume automotive industrialists. There is no credible argument to propose there are pros to be gained from Brexit for the UK vehicle industry. The UK automotive sector's success is built on the complex supply chains which stretch throughout Europe by portions transferred out of different countries before being assembled into the last output. The report looked at possibility post-Brexit opportunities & concluded which bilateral trade deals were unlikely to lead to a significant promote in investment & jobs in the UK automotive sector.

collected by :Catlin Logan

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