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Sunday, April 15, 2018

The missing piece in Detroit's campaign to lead the auto industry

by these advancements & further, I'm further optimistic than ever about Detroit's role in shaping the aftertime of our industry. however we necessity to be prepared — we necessity engineering talent, specifically young engineering talent, to move America forward. It's too projected which 80 % of aftertime jobs in the U.S. going to be linked to the STEM fields — science, technology, engineering & math. We have to take swift, bold action to achieve or exceed the talent standards in Silicon Valley & other world technology hubs. GM is committed to this effort & wants to work in copartnership by individuals, companies & organizations across our industry in Detroit on the right resolution.

Chinese auto tariff concessions? U.S.-based auto industry can benefit

TimeThe Tesla Model S is 1 car which would benefit if China raises tariffs on imported cars. (picture: Tesla)Symptoms which China plans to reduce tariffs on imported cars to avoid a possibility trade war by the U.S. can help bolster the U.S.-based auto industry. Xi's comments follow a back-&-forth escalation of tariff menaces by President Donald trump, who has bashed Chinese trade policy as unfair. Lowering the Chinese tariff would let automakers to purvey further foreign-made cars in the world's largest car market. GM, Ford & other automakers have indeed established joint ventures by Chinese automakers to manufacture cars there, as required by law.

Chinese auto tariff concessions? U.S.-based auto industry could benefit

the method technology & driving habits are causing a churn in the auto industry

As it stated in From being ranked 4th in 2016 discounts map, it had purveyed ten.six mn passenger cars (passenger cars & LCVs) in 2017. by the hight popularity of ride hailing apps like Uber & Ola, shared mobility is making vehicle ownership passe. In 2017, electric vehicle universal discounts crossed one.one mn (one% of vehicle discounts) for the premier time. The leaders here have been Suzuki & Hyundai, who have over 70% of the vehicle market. Thanks to the hight popularity of shared mobility, vehicle ownership is declining in these zones.

collected by :Catlin Logan

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