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Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Business Breakfast RECAP: UK car industry suffering 'death by a thousand cuts'

as declared in The Government has rejected plans to build the "world first" tidal lagoon project to generate clean energy from the tides. Tidal Lagoon Power wanted subsidies similar to those for new nuclear power to build the £1.3bn facility. The work would have consisted of a U-shaped sea wall with turbines in Swansea Bay. He pledged to work with the Welsh Government to deliver a UK tidal lagoon industry centred in Wales and said:Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon remains key to our vision. In his statement to MPs, Mr Clark said generating power from the tidal lagoon would be much more expensive than offshore wind or nuclear.

Brexit could make UK car industry 'extinct'

The head of Britain's top business lobby group says the country's car industry could be wiped out by Brexit. "There is a risk that the auto industry in the UK faces extinction if there's no customs union after Brexit," warned Paul Drechsler, president of the Confederation of British Industry (CBI). "If we do not have a customs union, there are sectors of manufacturing society in the UK which risk becoming extinct," said Drechsler. The UK auto manufacturing sector employs over 800,000 workers and depends upon a complicated supply chain for shipping parts and cars. Related: Brexit could hurt UK car industry's electric dreamsThe auto industry is also sounding the alarm.

Brexit could make UK car industry 'extinct'

Brexit fears putting 850,000 automotive jobs at risk, warns car industry

as informed in Investment in Britain's car industry has halved, warns the sector, urging the PM to stick with the benefits of the single market. More than 850,000 jobs directly and indirectly employed in the sector are at risk because of Brexit, the trade body warned, and called on the government to stick with the benefits of the single market. "The current position, with conflicting messages and red lines, goes directly against the interests of the UK automotive sector which has thrived on single market and customs union membership." "Government must rethink its position on the customs union." Advertisement"There is no Brexit dividend for our industry, particularly in what is an increasingly hostile and protectionist global trading environment.

collected by :Catlin Logan

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