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Monday, July 9, 2018

'Carmaggedon': Representatives warn tariffs would decimate auto industry

as declared in Representatives of the Canadian auto industry warned officials on Tuesday that proposed tariffs on U.S. imports of vehicles and auto parts would decimate the industry and send the Canadian economy into a tailspin. Still, the proposed 25 per cent tariffs on vehicles and auto part imports to the U.S. prompted several representatives from the Canadian auto industry to warn the committee of the potentially devastating effects of such a move by the U.S. administration. Another report by Moody's Investor Services released this week said the tariffs would be negative for nearly all members of the auto industry, including automakers, parts suppliers, dealers, retailers and other transportation companies. "There is not an assembly plant in Canada that will survive a 25 per cent tariff, because almost everything we build goes to the United States," Dias said. 1 industry in Canada taken away from us."• Email: asiekierska@nationalpost.com | Twitter: alicjawithaj

The auto industry is vital to our national security interests

A healthy, progressive industrial sector developing military products and applications can only exist simultaneously with a healthy civilian industry. The only way to build and sustain a world-class military industry is to share costs with a civilian industry. Historically, the civilian and military motor vehicle industry have always been intertwined. A successful motor vehicles industry uses thousands of specialized parts. The vehicle industry continues to be vital for the health of the civilian economy too.

The auto industry is vital to our national security interests

Why undermining fuel efficiency standards would harm the US auto industry

as informed in The U.S. auto industry has rebounded well from its near collapse during the financial crisis. Auto suppliers in particular have done well, increasing employment more than 50 percent since 2008. The U.S. auto supply chain, after all, employs some 1.5 million people: four times as many people as do U.S. auto manufacturers. The U.S. auto supply chain, after all, employs some 1.5 million people: four times as many people as do U.S. auto manufacturers. The failure of GM and Chrysler during the Great Recession would have decimated U.S. auto suppliers and in turn the U.S. auto sector.

collected by :Catlin Logan

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