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Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Tata Motors need "specific interventions" to counter challenges in global auto industry says Natrajan Chandrasekaran

referring to Chandrasekaran however had a fairly optimistic view on Tata Motors standalone operation and its core market India. Some of the key operating markets for the group are faced with diverse market dynamics requiring specific interventions to ensure sustainable profitable growth," said Chandrasekaran.In the wake of these growing global challenges, Tata Motors share price has taken a beating in recent months. "This sector is well positioned for growth, given low rates of auto penetration, rising incomes and increasing affordability," he saidHe however cautioned that the Indian auto industry is not without its challenges, including adapting to a structural shift towards electric vehicles(EVs), shared mobility options with ride-sharing permeating the urban landscape, a pan-India shift to Bharat Stage-VI emission by 2020 and enhanced safety norms.He called out for government support to spur the auto industry growth. Within the commercial vehicles segment, key gaps were identified and addressed through modular product designs. In the passenger car segment, your company focused on improving customer experience and providing "best in class" features, which is driving changes in the brand perception.

Rebates protect Canada's auto industry from retaliatory tariffs

ADVERTISEMENT"That provision in the notice is overwhelmingly directed at the auto industry," said Jesse Goldman, a trade lawyer at Borden Ladner Gervais. Some 85 percent of vehicles built in Canada in 2016 were exported, meaning duty relief programs could refund roughly 85 percent of retaliatory tariffs paid by automakers. The Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers' Association needs to do more analysis before commenting on whether drawbacks could protect his industry, President Mark Nantais said. Flavio Volpe, president of the Automotive Parts Manufacturers' Association, said some companies that make stainless steel parts or hardened steel tools in Canada could benefit. Volpe said just over half of Canadian-made auto parts are exported.

Rebates protect Canada's auto industry from retaliatory tariffs

Trump says 'tariffs are the greatest,' U.S. auto industry says 'hell no'

as declared in Either a country which has treated the United States unfairly on Trade negotiates a fair deal, or it gets hit with Tariffs. "Let me be very clear: Companies in our industry are so deeply intertwined that our fate is a common fate. President Donald Trump thinks tariffs are the greatest. Trump's Commerce Department is currently investigating his claims; if the department agrees with Trump, it could enable the president to impose tariffs without Congressional approval.But what does the auto industry think of Trump's tariffs? So far, the industry, as well as both Democrat and Republican lawmakers, have responded with a resounding "hell no.

collected by :Catlin Logan

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