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Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Trump's tariff threats suddenly look very real for Germany's car industry

as declared in For as long as Donald Trump has been president, he has been threatening to slap tariffs on foreign carmakers to stop flashy German vehicles from "flooding" American streets. On Friday, he repeated the threat and attached a specific number, tweeting about a 20 percent tariff on all automobile imports from the European Union. On Friday, Trump suggested that auto tariffs would come in response to European trade practices. The Volkswagen diesel-emissions scandal tarnished the reputation of the entire industry, and German carmakers have been considered slow to shift to hybrid or electric vehicles. Now, their business with two of their most important markets could be disrupted - Britain because of Brexit and the United States because of tariffs.

Brexit uncertainty puts thousands of jobs at risk, car industry warns

At a day long automotive summit, industry leaders lined up to warn of the perils Brexit uncertainty was causing. UK car output. UK car exports. The car industry is one of the leading employers in the country, responsible for 856,000 jobs, 186,000 of which are on the production lines. He said BMW was not intending to move any car production to any of its other plants around the world but it would be "foolhardy" not to have contingency ideas.

Brexit uncertainty puts thousands of jobs at risk, car industry warns

Sergio Marchionne dies aged 66: how the charismatic Fiat boss saved the Italian car industry

as mentioned in Sergio Marchionne, chief executive of Fiat Chrysler Automotive (FCA), the world's eighth largest car maker, has died after being in an irreversible coma after complications during extensive shoulder surgery. Michael Manley, the current head of the Jeep brand, replaced him at the head of the 10-brand motor maker with immediate effect once the extent of his illness was confirmed at the weekend. He joined Fiat from the SGS Group of Geneva in May 2003, becoming chief executive of the Group a year later. It was a stunning coup; Marchionne had acquired the smallest of the America's "Big Three" car makers, including the iconic Jeep brand, for a bargain $4.9 billion, plus a $5.5 billion pension liability. He came to Chrysler via the failed 1998 'merger of equals', Daimler Chrysler, and stayed in various executive roles becoming head of the Jeep brand in 2009.

Auto industry urges US to hit brakes on proposed car tariffs

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Commerce Department sought feedback on President Donald Trump's plans to consider taxing auto imports. Critics lined up to urge the administration to reject auto tariffs. Jennifer Thomas of the Alliance of Auto Manufacturers registered her organization's opposition to levies on car, truck and auto parts imports. Trump has ordered Commerce to investigate whether auto imports pose a threat to U.S. national security that would justify tariffs or other trade restrictions. Auto tariffs would escalate global trade tension dramatically: The U.S. last year imported $192 billion in vehicles and $143 billion in auto parts — figures that dwarf last year's $29 billion in steel and $23 billion in aluminum imports.

Auto industry urges US to hit brakes on proposed car tariffs

collected by :Catlin Logan

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